About This Content The PostMortem Character Pack adds 4 more new and unique playable characters for Killing Floor as Downloadable Content. Once you have bought the pack, they will become selectable in the character selection screen in-game. Harold Hunt Harold was the front man for the underground punk band "The Fecking Nancies", who played mingin' pubs and bars all over South London. And if he wasn't screaming into a microphone about anarchy and chaos he was out causing it by kicking the shite out of cockneys, chavs and pikies before stealing their bling. Courtesy of the Horzine outbreak, he's finding out what real anarchy and chaos is. Kerry Fitzpatrick After disfiguring one inmate in his last prison fight, the others stopped calling "Kerry" a girl's name. During his transfer to the high-security psych ward at Broadmoor, he watched the guards get eaten by a herd of crazed, emaciated mutants. Kerry took pleasure ripping apart the monsters before looting the dead prison guards. From life in prison to a free man in seconds, Kerry has found a world where he truly fits in. Trooper Clive Jenkins When he wasn't jumping out of airplanes and breaking heads for the British government, Jenks could usually be found getting rat-arsed in the pubs of Aldershot and picking fights with civvies. C Company was on standby when word of the outbreak struck. They loaded into the Herc and jumped over London. Straight into a mob of chainsaw-wielding nutters. Come and get some, ya ponces! Paramedic Alfred Anderson Working nightshift for the hospital can be interesting. It's also a good place to stock up on supplies when the whole city has turned into a cannibalistic feeding frenzy. Well equipped and knowledgeable, Alfred's a good ally to have when a fleshless creature is beating down your door. 6d5b4406ea Title: Killing Floor: PostMortem Character PackGenre: ActionDeveloper:Tripwire InteractivePublisher:Tripwire InteractiveFranchise:Tripwire InteractiveRelease Date: 7 Oct, 2010 Killing Floor: PostMortem Character Pack Cheat Code For Ps3 +[Paramedic Alfred Anderson] is my favourite character. I am always play with he! :happymeat: I have bought this for Tripwire Interactive who made this awesome game 'Killing Floor! :Dosh: If you like this game, buy this DLC for support :Dosh: the 'Tripwire Interactive' and the 'Killing Floor'. :Dosh: Sincerely, @Atlaimond [HUN] :spacepony:. \u30d0\u30f3\u30c9\u30de\u30f3\u306a\u304a\u3063\u3055\u3093\u5c11\u5973\u306e\u3088\u3046\u306a\u540d\u524d\u306e\u304a\u3063\u3055\u3093\u60aa\u9154\u3044\u3059\u308b\u843d\u4e0b\u5098\u90e8\u968a\u54e1\u306e\u304a\u3063\u3055\u3093\u7269\u8cc7\u3068\u77e5\u8b58\u3092\u5099\u3048\u305f\u75c5\u9662\u52e4\u52d9\u306e\u304a\u3063\u3055\u3093\u4ed6\u306eDLC\u3068\u6bd4\u3079\u308b\u3068\u591a\u5c11\u5370\u8c61\u304c\u8584\u3044\u304a\u3063\u3055\u3093DLC. \u00d3tima DLC com personagem muito louco.Pr\u00f3s:- Muito bom os personagem e sua anima\u00e7\u00f5es.Contras:-- nada at\u00e9 o momento --Nota: 7\/10Isso \u00e9 uma an\u00e1lise critica feita por mim e n\u00e3o por um profissional, n\u00e3o reclame! (\u00c9 MINHA OPINI\u00c3O). they are good for standing out from all the foster myself inculded. I got this DLC in the complete pack. All off them suffer from the same flaws so this review is copied to all of them.Now. The skins and weapons are totally fine. The problem here is the extreme pricing and the fact that this game has a modding community with better, free, stuff. They even admit that a lot of this is made by said community. I as a console peasant and a sucker did not get this simple fact and pronounced \u201cYes! I do want to pay more!\u201d. Don\u2019t be like me. Don\u2019t suck, blow\u2026 wait, what?. Harold Hunt the Rocking Support SpecialistKerry Fitzpatrick the Prisoner BerserkerClive Jenkins the Trooper CommandoAlfred Anderson the Paramedic Field Medic11\/10 would recommend.. Harold Hunt the Rocking Support SpecialistKerry Fitzpatrick the Prisoner BerserkerClive Jenkins the Trooper CommandoAlfred Anderson the Paramedic Field Medic11\/10 would recommend.